Then he reads a story of the sea in Mehri. ), mixed 70.4% (Mestizo/Indio 58%, Mulatto 12.4%), Black 15.8%, White 13.5%, other 0.3% (2014 est. . )note: data represent population by nationality; up to 230,000 Brazilians of Japanese origin migrated to Japan in the 1990s to work in industries; some have returned to Brazil, Jersey 44.4%, British 30.5%, Portuguese/Madeiran 9.4%, Polish 3%, Irish 2.1%, other 10.6% (2021 est. CATEGORIES. ), Kikuyu 17.1%, Luhya 14.3%, Kalenjin 13.4%, Luo 10.7%, Kamba 9.8%, Somali 5.8%, Kisii 5.7%, Mijikenda 5.2%, Meru 4.2%, Maasai 2.5%, Turkana 2.1%,non-Kenyan 1%, other 8.2% (2019 est. Central Intelligence Agency. )note: data represent only the Greek-Cypriot citizens in the Republic of Cyprus, Czech 57.3%, Moravian 3.4%, other 7.7%, unspecified 31.6% (2021 est. Bacterial DNA was extracted from the FSB samples and subjected to 16S . )note: data represent population by nationality, Greek 91.6%, Albanian 4.4%, other 4% (2011 est. )note: results among surveys vary based on the wording of the ethnicity question and the available response choices; the 2001 national census did not provide "Mestizo" as a response choice, resulting in a much higher proportion of respondents identifying themselves as belonging to one of the available indigenous ethnicity choices; the use of "Mestizo" and "Cholo" varies among response choices in surveys, with surveys using the terms interchangeably, providing one or the other as a response choice, or providing the two as separate response choices, Bosniak 50.1%, Serb 30.8%, Croat 15.4%, other 2.7%, not declared/no answer 1% (2013 est. %%EOF
), White or Mestizo 83.6%, Mulatto 6.7%, Indigenous 2.4%, Black or African descent 1.1%, other 1.1%, none 2.9%, unspecified 2.2% (2011 est. Ethnographische bersicht der Lnder der alten Welt.png, Our country and its resources; (1917) (14783257965).jpg, People of Haitian origin in the Dominican Republic.png, The races of man, and their geographical distribution (1854) (14779806481).jpg, Yamna udia spriaznen s farmrmi (Yamna Northwest Anatolian farmer).png, - 1871.jpg,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. )note: data represent the total population; as of 2019,immigrants make up about87.9% of the total population, according to UN data, White 87.2%, Black/African/Caribbean/black British 3%, Asian/Asian British: Indian 2.3%, Asian/Asian British: Pakistani 1.9%, mixed 2%, other 3.7% (2011 est. ), Guernsey 53.1%, UK and Ireland 23.9%, Portugal 2.2%, Latvia 1.5%, other Europe 2.8%, other 4.4%, unspecified 11.4% (2020 est. ), European 64.1%, Maori 16.5%, Chinese 4.9%, Indian 4.7%, Samoan 3.9%, Tongan 1.8%, Cook Islands Maori 1.7%, English 1.5%, Filipino 1.5%, New Zealander 1%, other 13.7% (2018 est. Currently, Afghan Jews live in Israel and the United States. linguistic eth ()n+ : of or relating to ethnolinguistics Word History Etymology ethno- + linguistic First Known Use 1950, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of ethnolinguistic was in 1950 See more words from the same year Love words? Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. MATHEMATICS IN THE MODERN WORLD education is the most important thing person can acquire because it helps people succeed in life. Jb`d @K#4 )"h` `
necessarily based on the moral imperative for education but on the potential of socioeconomic profit in the capitalist world, the . Retrieved from the Library of Congress, . guistic groups. )note: Romani populations are usually underestimated in official statistics and may represent 911% of Bulgaria's population, Mossi 52%, Fulani 8.4%, Gurma 7%, Bobo 4.9%, Gurunsi 4.6%, Senufo 4.5%, Bissa 3.7%, Lobi 2.4%, Dagara 2.4%, Tuareg/Bella 1.9%, Dioula 0.8%, unspecified/no answer 0.3%, other 7.2% (2010 est. Africa, - ethnolinguistic group membership, some geographically proximate or culturally similar groups of indigenous peoples have "re-tribalized" around new quasi-ethnic identities, such as Lumad (used to refer to the approximately eighteen indigenous peoples of Mindanao) and peoples of the Cordillera, used to refer to conglomerations of SgHCC-$PO %[aa`"k?-()'` {
Note that the written permission of the copyright owners and/or other rights
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or other statutory exemptions. [1] Linguistics Theoretical linguistics Descriptive linguistics Applied and experimental Related articles ), Ovambo 50%, Kavangos 9%, Herero 7%, Damara 7%, mixed European and African ancestry 6.5%, European 6%, Nama 5%, Caprivian 4%, San 3%, Baster 2%, Tswana 0.5%, Nauruan 88.9%, part Nauruan 6.6%, I-Kiribati 2%, other 2.5% (2007 est. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Nature Human Behaviour (Nat Hum Behav) Uncategorized . ), Jordanian 69.3%, Syrian 13.3%, Palestinian 6.7%, Egyptian 6.7%, Iraqi 1.4%, other 2.6% (includes Armenian, Circassian) (2015 est. Abstract Ethnolinguistic vitality theory asserts that Status, Demographic, Institutional Support and Control factors make up the vitality of ethnolinguistic groups. Most ethnic groups share a first language. 1860 map - Mappemonde ethnographique - par L. Dussieux, d'apres Berghaus, Prichard, etc.tif, Ethnographic-map-Thrace-1912-remake-draft.png, Europe and other continents (1901) (14760440801).jpg, Geographycal distribution of the main ethno-cultural communities Haifa and Northern districts.jpg, Geographycal distribution of the main ethno-cultural communities Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv and Central districts.jpg, Geographycal distribution of the main ethno-cultural communities Southern district.jpg, Germany's foreign-born population by country of origin.png, Komaroff. 1977. # z:z$$$|7(tt&tt&tt,'_ '_ '_ '_ '_ '_ '_ '_ '_ .:'G~~N|>G}H1G[#dZuk;3% Z'D
We speak of an additive situation when the groups are equally appreciated. )note: data represent Eritrea's nine recognized ethnic groups, Estonian 68.7%, Russian 24.8%, Ukrainian 1.7%, Belarusian 1%, Finn 0.6%, other 1.6%, unspecified 1.6% (2011 est. Thriving in Zamboanga Peninsula is the Subanen tribe which possesses a distinct language and culture. In countries with multiple ethnolinguistic groups, recruiting a migrant population with greater ethnolinguistic overlap may facilitate quicker equilibrium. Tthe researchers based their analysis on a type of world map showing where various language groups lived in 1975. ecy0S@B@b8.D9\Sa`az>wK;]_i]Br.Ke |K*7Wjf97)OT73I@1$13,-YW44|r2`0` )note: represents ethnicity declared first, Portuguese 95%; citizens from Portugals former colonies in Africa, Asia (Han Chinese), and South America (Brazilian) and other foreign born 5%, White 75.8%, Black/African American 12.4%, other 8.5% (includes American Indian, Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian, other Pacific Islander, and others), mixed 3.3% (2010 est. [Washington, D.C.: Central Intelligence Agency] [Map] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, [Washington, D.C. : Central Intelligence Agency, 1996], - MOST POPULAR. Colonialism and Language Policy in Viet Nam . ), Chinese 74.2%, Malay 13.7%, Indian 8.9%, other 3.2% (2021 est. [Washington, D.C.: Central Intelligence Agency, 1996] Map. )note: 125 caste/ethnic groups were reported in the 2011 national census, Dutch 75.4%, EU (excluding Dutch) 6.4%, Turkish 2.4%, Moroccan 2.4%, Surinamese 2.1%, Indonesian 2%, other 9.3% (2021 est. ), Cook Island Maori (Polynesian) 81.3%, part Cook Island Maori 6.7%, other 11.9% (2011 est. (eds.) )note: data represent population by nationality; Romani populations are usually underestimated in official statistics and may represent 711% of Slovakia's population, Slovene 83.1%, Serb 2%, Croat 1.8%, Bosniak 1.1%, other or unspecified 12% (2002 est. Lo Bianco, J. Myanmar Country Report: Language Education and Social Cohesion (LESC) Initiative (UNICEF, 2016). A"Q ), Samoan 96%, Samoan/New Zealander 2%, other 1.9% (2011 est. According to some reports, Jews have been living in Afghanistan for 1,500 years. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. )note: data represent population by nationality, Jewish 74% (of which Israel-born 78.7%, Europe/America/Oceania-born 14.8%, Africa-born 4.2%, Asia-born 2.3%), Arab 21.1%, other 4.9% (2020 est. ), Sara (Ngambaye/Sara/Madjingaye/Mbaye) 30.5%, Kanembu/Bornu/Buduma 9.8%, Arab 9.7%, Wadai/Maba/Masalit/Mimi 7%, Gorane 5.8%, Masa/Musseye/Musgum 4.9%, Bulala/Medogo/Kuka 3.7%, Marba/Lele/Mesme 3.5%, Mundang 2.7%, Bidiyo/Migaama/Kenga/Dangleat 2.5%, Dadjo/Kibet/Muro 2.4%, Tupuri/Kera 2%, Gabri/Kabalaye/Nanchere/Somrai 2%, Fulani/Fulbe/Bodore 1.8%, Karo/Zime/Peve 1.3%, Baguirmi/Barma 1.2%, Zaghawa/Bideyat/Kobe 1.1%, Tama/Assongori/Mararit 1.1%, Mesmedje/Massalat/Kadjakse 0.8%, other Chadian ethnicities 3.4%, Chadians of foreign ethnicities 0.9%, foreign nationals 0.3%, unspecified 1.7% (2014-15 est. This page was last edited on 6 August 2022, at 21:17. a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate. ), Romanian 83.4%, Hungarian 6.1%, Romani 3.1%, Ukrainian 0.3%, German 0.2%, other 0.7%, unspecified 6.1% (2011 est. Thomas Leiper Kane Collection (Library of Congress. )note: data represent the population by country of citizenship, Mestico, Angolares (descendants of Angolan slaves), Forros (descendants of freed slaves), Servicais (contract laborers from Angola, Mozambique, and Cabo Verde), Tongas (children of servicais born on the islands), Europeans (primarily Portuguese), Asians (mostly Chinese), Wolof 39.7%, Pular 27.5%, Serer 16%, Mandinka 4.9%, Jola 4.2%, Soninke 2.4%, other 5.4% (includes Europeans and persons of Lebanese descent) (2019 est. ), Han Chinese 91.1%, ethnic minorities 8.9% (includes Zhang, Hui, Manchu, Uighur, Miao, Yi, Tujia, Tibetan, Mongol, Dong, Buyei, Yao, Bai, Korean, Hani, Li, Kazakh, Dai, and other nationalities) (2021 est. ), Antalote, Cafre, Makoa, Oimatsaha, Sakalava, more than 200 African ethnic groups of which the majority are Bantu; the four largest tribes - Mongo, Luba, Kongo (all Bantu), and the Mangbetu-Azande (Hamitic) - make up about 45% of the population, Kongo 40.5%, Teke 16.9%, Mbochi 13.1%, foreigner 8.2%, Sangha 5.6%, Mbere/Mbeti/Kele 4.4%, Punu 4.3%, Pygmy 1.6%, Oubanguiens 1.6%, Duma 1.5%, Makaa 1.3%, other and unspecified 1% (2014-15 est. ), Norwegian 61.1%, foreign population 38.9% (consists primarily of Russians, Thais, Swedes, Filipinos, and Ukrainians) (2021 est. All structured data from the file namespace is available under the. it is essential to development . We identify the effects of ethnolinguistic diversity on urban concentration from within country variation in urban concentration at the provincial level for 3,540 provinces in the 170 countries with more than one province, controlling for the 1975 levels of the variables of interest. ), Arab, Baluchi, South Asian (Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Bangladeshi), African, Punjabi 44.7%, Pashtun (Pathan) 15.4%, Sindhi 14.1%, Saraiki 8.4%, Muhajirs 7.6%, Balochi 3.6%, other 6.3%, Palauan (Micronesian with Malayan and Melanesian admixtures) 73%, Carolinian 2%, Asian 21.7%, Caucasian 1.2%, other 2.1% (2015 est. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. "802417 3-96. The Uganda protectorate; an attempt to give some description of the physical geography, botany, zoology, anthropology, IAzyki Afriki : opyt postroeniia leksikostatistichesko klassifikatsii, Instructions for research relative to the ethnology and philology of America. )note: data represent population by ethnic origin or race, Andorran 48.3%, Spanish 24.8%, Portuguese 11.2%, French 4.5%, Argentine 1.4%, other 9.8% (2021 est. A- P
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), Georgian 86.8%, Azeri 6.3%, Armenian 4.5%, other 2.3% (includes Russian, Ossetian, Yazidi, Ukrainian, Kist, Greek) (2014 est. Central Intelligence Agency. Includes notes and pie-graphs. United States Central Intelligence Agency. One of Legarda's recommendations in the bill is for the National Commission for Culture and the Arts to oversee the establishment of a comprehensive cultural archive of the cultural properties of all the ethnolinguistic groups in the country. Ethnic Group in the Philippines Have Highest Level of Denisovan DNA in the World | Technology Networks A study analyzing the genomes of nearly 120 ethnic groups in the Philippines has identified that one population, the Ayta Magbukon, have the highest level of DNA derived from Denisovans, an extinct human subspecies, recorded to date.<br /> ), Belgian 75.2%, Italian 4.1%, Moroccan 3.7%, French 2.4%, Turkish 2%, Dutch 2%, other 10.6% (2012 est. H\@>E-ZuTB t 0y 0Q1fO0Be_NoM=g8ST}uTu94Ku}sjj9IUl~o&=of0YLOIVtK4e_p|=qx)*^}ckeZ%[O?2& )note: data represent primary ethnic identity, Uzbek 83.8%, Tajik 4.8%, Kazakh 2.5%, Russian 2.3%, Karakalpak 2.2%, Tatar 1.5%, other 2.9% (2017 est. )note: data represent permanent and non-permanent resident population by country of birth, Arab ~50%, Alawite ~15%, Kurd ~10%, Levantine ~10%, other ~15% (includes Druze, Ismaili, Imami, Nusairi, Assyrian, Turkoman, Armenian), Han Chinese (including Holo, who compose approximately 70% of Taiwan's population, Hakka, and other groups originating in mainland China) more than 95%, indigenous Malayo-Polynesian peoples 2.3%note 1: there are 16 officially recognized indigenous groups: Amis, Atayal, Bunun, Hla'alua, Kanakaravu, Kavalan, Paiwan, Puyuma, Rukai, Saisiyat, Sakizaya, Seediq, Thao, Truku, Tsou, and Yami; Amis, Paiwan, and Atayal are the largest and account for roughly 70% of the indigenous populationnote 2: although not definitive, the majority of current genetic, archeological, and linguistic data support the theory that Taiwan is the ultimate source for the spread of humans across the Pacific to Polynesia; the expansion (ca. )note: Romani populations are usually underestimated in official statistics and may represent 511% of Romania's population, Russian 77.7%, Tatar 3.7%, Ukrainian 1.4%, Bashkir 1.1%, Chuvash 1%, Chechen 1%, other 10.2%, unspecified 3.9% (2010 est. ), Sudanese Arab (approximately 70%), Fur, Beja, Nuba, Ingessana, Uduk, Fallata, Masalit, Dajo, Gimir, Tunjur, Berti; there are over 500 ethnic groups, Hindustani (also known locally as "East Indians"; their ancestors emigrated from northern India in the latter part of the 19th century) 27.4%, Maroon (their African ancestors were brought to the country in the 17th and 18th centuries as slaves and escaped to the interior) 21.7%, Creole (mixed White and Black) 15.7%, Javanese 13.7%, mixed 13.4%, other 7.6%, unspecified 0.6% (2012 est. ), Ngalop (also known as Bhote) 50%, ethnic Nepali 35% (predominantly Lhotshampas), indigenous or migrant tribes 15%, Mestizo (mixed White and Amerindian ancestry) 68%, Indigenous 20%, White 5%, Cholo/Chola 2%, African descent 1%, other 1%, unspecified 3%; 44% of respondents indicated feeling part of some indigenous group, predominantly Quechua or Aymara (2009 est. In terms of the descriptive qualitative expression of the language and culture of Java, Kebo Bule from the perspective of Ethnolinguistic is identifiable on the background of it in Surakarta, the influence of Kebo Bule to the Surakarta's Court . ), Japanese 97.9%, Chinese 0.6%, Korean 0.4%, other 1.1% (includes Vietnamese, Filipino, and Brazilian) (2017 est. Description based: on vol. ), Mestizo (mixed Amerindian and White) 65%, Native American 12.3% (Ngabe 7.6%, Kuna 2.4%, Embera 0.9%, Bugle 0.8%, other 0.4%, unspecified 0.2%), Black or African descent 9.2%, Mulatto 6.8%, White 6.7% (2010 est. This map shows ethnolinguistic groups across Afghanistan and Pakistan. ), Berber and Arab 97%, other 3% (includes Egyptian, Greek, Indian, Italian, Maltese, Pakistani, Tunisian, and Turkish), Liechtensteiner 65.5%, Swiss 9.6%, Austrian 6%, German 4.5%, Italian 3.1%, other 11.4% (2020 est. Uz?o @UHC
oWTEf'O2:%1#r[PX`%@ XBEdB[ *&,VUr( 6;*+I1P|lDDa!R Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Joseph Lo Bianco is in the Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne, Parkville 3010, Australia., You can also search for this author in Bianco, J. ), Emirati 11.6%, South Asian 59.4% (includes Indian 38.2%, Bangladeshi 9.5%, Pakistani 9.4%, other 2.3%), Egyptian 10.2%, Filipino 6.1%, other 12.8% (2015 est. endstream
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)note: data represent racial self-identification from Cuba's 2012 national census, Curacaoan 75.4%, Dutch 6%, Dominican 3.6%, Colombian 3%, Bonairean, Sint Eustatian, Saban 1.5%, Haitian 1.2%, Surinamese 1.2%, Venezuelan 1.1%, Aruban 1.1%, other 5%, unspecified 0.9% (2011 est. Hebraic Section) - Munzinger, Werner. )note: based on the 2018 census of the usually resident population; percentages add up to more than 100% because respondents were able to identify more than one ethnic group, Mestizo (mixed Amerindian and White) 69%, White 17%, Black 9%, Amerindian 5%, Hausa 53.1%, Zarma/Songhai 21.2%, Tuareg 11%, Fulani (Peuhl) 6.5%, Kanuri 5.9%, Gurma 0.8%, Arab 0.4%, Tubu 0.4%, other/unavailable 0.9% (2006 est. ), Serb 83.3%, Hungarian 3.5%, Romani 2.1%, Bosniak 2%, other 5.7%, undeclared or unknown 3.4% (2011 est. ), Akan 28.9%, Voltaique or Gur 16.1%, Northern Mande 14.5%, Kru 8.5%, Southern Mande 6.9%, unspecified 0.9%, non-Ivoirian 24.2% (2014 est. Skutnabb-Kangas, T. & Phillipson, R. (eds) Critical Concepts in Language Studies: Language Rights (Routledge, 2016). Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. The Indo-Aryan people are part of the various Indo-European ethnolinguistic groups who speak one of the many Indo-Aryan languages. The Asia-Pacific Region is home to half of the world's 7,117 living languages. M(M 122 major languages and other 1,600 languages are spoken in the country. . . ), Malayo-Indonesian (Merina and related Betsileo), Cotiers (mixed African, Malayo-Indonesian, and Arab ancestry - Betsimisaraka, Tsimihety, Antaisaka, Sakalava), French, Indian, Creole, Comoran, Chewa 34.3%, Lomwe 18.8%, Yao 13.2%, Ngoni 10.4%, Tumbuka 9.2%, Sena 3.8%, Mang'anja 3.2%, Tonga 1.8%, Nyanja 1.8%, Nkhonde 1%, other 2.2%, foreign 0.3% (2018 est. ), Luxembourger 52.9%, Portuguese 14.5%, French 7.6%, Italian 3.7%, Belgian 3%, German 2%, Spanish 1.3%, Romania 1%, other 14% (2022 est. Lo Bianco, J. ), Fang 85.7%, Bubi 6.5%, Mdowe 3.6%, Annobon 1.6%, Bujeba 1.1%, other 1.4% (1994 est. Africa--Languages--Maps, - ), Burman (Bamar) 68%, Shan 9%, Karen 7%, Rakhine 4%, Chinese 3%, Indian 2%, Mon 2%, other 5%note: government recognizes 135 indigenous ethnic groups, Creole (Mulatto) 71%, African 28%, European 1%, Khmer 95.4%, Cham 2.4%, Chinese 1.5%, other 0.7% (2019-20 est. Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as )note: data represent population by ancestry, Somali 60%, Afar 35%, other 5% (mostly Yemeni Arab, also French, Ethiopian, and Italian), African descent 84.5%, mixed 9%, Indigenous 3.8%, other 2.1%, unspecified 0.6% (2011 est. Any understanding of an etiologic representation of a system of medical concepts needs to be grounded on the social-cultural conditions in which it is inscribed. Ethnolinguistic Prehistory Author: George L. van Driem Publisher: BRILL ISBN: 9004448373 Category : Language Arts & Disciplines Languages : en Pages : 414 Get Book. ), Croat 90.4%, Serb 4.4%, other 4.4% (including Bosniak, Hungarian, Slovene, Czech, and Romani), unspecified 0.8% (2011 est. ethnolinguistic, and racial identity. The author declares no competing interests. )note: most ethnic Albanians boycotted the 2011 census; Romani populations are usually underestimated in official statistics and may represent 511% of Serbia's population, predominantly Creole (mainly of East African and Malagasy heritage); also French, Indian, Chinese, and Arab populations, Temne 35.4%, Mende 30.8%, Limba 8.8%, Kono 4.3%, Korankoh 4%, Fullah 3.8%, Mandingo 2.8%, Loko 2%, Sherbro 1.9%, Creole 1.2% (descendants of freed Jamaican slaves who were settled in the Freetown area in the late-18th century; also known as Krio), other 5% (2019 est. Initially, ethnolinguistics sought to obtain data from the history of the social relations of primitive peoples by studying corresponding linguistic phenomena; this approach was taken by such scholars as L. H. Morgan, F. Boas, A. L. Kroeber, E. Sapir, and B. Malinowski. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Summary in English. The ways in which social groups represent diseases differ from one society to another. r282oD/Eb"xuA.5")iSOkkkkkkkkkk )note: data represent population by ethnic group, European (mostly Spanish and Italian descent) and Mestizo (mixed European and Amerindian ancestry) 97.2%, Amerindian 2.4%, African descent 0.4% (2010 est. )note: Nigeria, Africa's most populous country, is composed of more than 250 ethnic groups, Niuean 65.4%, part-Niuean 14%, non-Niuean 20.6% (2017 est.
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