Not to good with this iPad , have to figure out what I did with those pictures and get them reoriented. The vast majority of Enfield No 2 revolvers were made by RSAF (Royal Small Arms Factory) Enfield, but wartime necessities meant that numbers were produced elsewhere. 12 d ago. Insurance value would best be conducted by an insurance company that deals specifically with firearm relics such as a 124 year old Lee-Enfield rifle. . Associated taxes and fees will be the responsibility of the winner. This rifle retained most of the overall design feature of the earlier model, including the 30 barrel length. They named it the .380 Revolver Mk 1 but its nothing more than the .38 S&W introduced in Smith & Wessons Baby Russian circa 1875. And was used for. I also have a No7MkI/L Land Service swiveling pommel blade bayonet intended for the MkV submachine gun but will also fit the No4Mk1 Enfield. Iz, a deviation of the .38 Smith & Wesson cartridge, also known as the .38/200. No substitutions or transfers to a third party are allowed. Download URL for automatic installation. Purchase A PDF Download Of The American Handgunner Magazine Nov/Dec 2017 Issue Now! When reference is made to an all matching SMLE the serial numbers must all be the same. 2, when produced, would definitely have been fitted a spur hammer and be dual action. The loss of its original single-action operation and thumb-cocking facility made for an inaccurate weapon to fire and the trigger required a . He worked the oil fields in west Texas and this was his pickup gun he used for 20 + years. The idea was that the cylinder moved forward far enough to permit fired cases to be completely extracted (and ejected by gravity), but not far enough to permit live cartridges (i.e., those with projectiles still present, and thus longer in overall length) from being removed in the same manner. 2 - Unzip it. Enfield No2 Recoil Plate & Screw Our Price: $24.50 . The .476 Enfield cartridge for which the Enfield Mk I/Mk II was chambered fired a 265gr (17.2g) lead bullet, and was loaded with 18gr (1.2g) of black powder. Enfield No.2 Mk 1* was developed in the late 1930s for the British Tank Corps, and are distinguished from the early Mark 1 by spurless, Double Action Only hammers, lighter mainsprings, and re-shaped grip side plates. Dukes Enfield No. Germany rightly squawked about Britains use of lead bullets in World War II so the load was changed to a 178-gr. 2 Mark 1 revolver was developed at the Royal Small Arms Factory in Enfield, England from 1926 1927. If the only marks you can remember are the first four listed below (Broad Arrow . My Enfield must have been sighted for the .38/200 Mk I load because it hits to point of aim with the above handload. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. The right side of the frame has ENFIELD/ No 2 CROWN / 1940 The plastic checkered grips are in very good condition but is missing a logo disc on the right grip. I have no clue. Minimum price for the offer must be greater than 0% of the Product. Time Left: 56 days 21 hours 55 . . Add to cart. 1 .38 REVOLVER GRIPS quantity. Nov 12, 2013 #1. Sign-up now to get more revolver content every Wednesday! [8] Rather than adopting it, the British authorities took the design to the Government-run Royal Small Arms Factory at Enfield, and the Enfield factory came up with a revolver that was very similar to the Webley Mk IV .38, but internally slightly different. lead alloy roundnoses rated at a nominal speed of 685 fps. All Rights Reserved. Ammo: As a result of the British military looking for a lighter replacement for the .455 Webley, they settled on the .38 Smith and Wesson chambering. Contest void where prohibited by law. 2 was a British top-break revolver using the .38 S&W round manufactured from 1930 to 1957. We believe we sell living history, and honor the veterans who fought and died for our freedoms. Shame the British couldnt come up with a better cartridge for such a nice little handgun. When inspecting your rifle and comparing marks with reference sources, be careful not to confuse date marks, or "private view marks", with inspectors marks, which usually carry the factory identification, e.g., "E" for Enfield, under the sovereign's crown, below which is the inspector's identification number; usually two figures such as "39". Yet again, once the sequence of numbers caped out letter prefixes were used to start the sequence over. At left is a Winchester factory round Giveaway prizes may have evidence of being test fired or exhibit minor handling marks. Reloading data is provided for information only. And the era ran from adoption in 1932 to replacement by the FN Hi Power (P35) 9mm in 1957 although it continued to serve in British holsters into the early 1960s. 5 Mk 1, unofficially nicknamed "Jungle Carbine.". With a history and tradition of fine gun making behind them, the Manurhin series of Revolvers is truly world-class. Most likely was designed to fire the .38 S&W but with a 200gr bullet. and in the original caliber. Gerard, Henrotin. They adopted the Webley Mk VI .455 in 1916. It carries all the little British proof marks they customarily scratch up guns with and best of all, is stamped R.A.F. Photographer (Major) W.G. Process Manuals & Technical Drawings for Manufacture of .38 Enfield No.2 Mk2 . 2000 rifles to be assembled from existing No1 Mk6 rifle components made by Enfield. Colt 1911 1918. All serial numbers are matching. Previously sold. [7], Irvine liked them so much that, in one of his final acts as Commissioner, he ordered another 600, which were delivered in September 1885. References and literature. 2 was a British top-break revolver using the .38 S&W round manufactured from 1930 to 1957. [3] The authorities began a search for a double-action revolver with less weight and recoil that could be quickly mastered by a minimally trained soldier,[4] with a good probability of hitting an enemy with the first shot at extremely close ranges. Enfield Pistol, No 2 MK 1, Commando . To protect the privacy and security of winners, names will not be made public. 2 MK1 .38 S&W caliber revolver. good idea, I will have. please see attached photos. Numrich Gun Parts Corporation The frame, cylinder and barrel all match with a D prefix serial number. (III) Giveaway winner(s) chosen by random drawing. The vast majority of Enfield No2 MkI revolvers were modified to MkI* during World War II, generally as they came in for repair or general maintenance;[10] It is believed that the reason was that the MkI* version was cheaper and faster to manufacture and allowed for far quicker training. Seen in the picture above are the normal spots to find the serial number and manufacturers information on the No4 and the No5 rifle. Manufacturer: RSAF Enfield Model: #2 MK 1 Serial Number: Z39XX Barrel Length: 5.5 inches Condition: Good Metal Condition: Good Wood Condition: Good Bore Condition . The world's most powerful firearm database. Specifications British Revolvers. Truth be known about Enfield serial numbers is simply, the serial number was used more for production counting than any other reason. Serial number; M2706 Registered on Queensland license; 83001871 Please reply to this ad first, and we can talk or message by phone after that. Its single-action trigger is reasonable at five pounds. Download URL for manual installation. The caliber is .38, and the piece carries British proof marks. Through our YouTube channel, we strive to educate and share the stories behind the artifacts we sell. II was the issue sidearm of the North-West Mounted Police in Canada from 1883 until 1911. Heres three variations of the same cartridge. Very early production low serial number. 2 Mk I .38. Maybe I will phone some gun shops and see if I can get someone who has a guesstimate. It has matching numbers throughout, but appears all serial numbers were re-worked and also stamped with a 'CPJ' marking, though we could not find the significance of this marking through research. 4 Mk I, chambered in the same .303 . It should be used only as a general guide. Any help would be appreciated. Employees and agents of Publishers Development Corp. are not eligible. Any less and his dedication will be suspect.". Most of these were "shaved" when imported to the U.S. so they could use the more available (and relatively . roundnose. SMLE Winchester sniper. Two British Enfield No.2 Mk I* Double Action Revolvers -A) Enfield No. The conservative condition would be 95+%. "The Ideal situation, is that a man acquire a British flintlock musket or pistol every day. 2 Mk1* RevolverDated "43" on the barrel. I do not recommend it for any other firearm, as the condition of vintage firearms varies. Enfield (Also See SMLE) Revolvers No2 MKI. Along with the manufacturers name both the date of manufacture and the type and mark of the rifle is also shown. Middle is a Remington factory round called the .38 S&W . Any more and he will be perceived as greedy. I have a second gen Colt SAA cavalry 7 1/2 in barrel in 44-40. . Box 1926, Escondido, CA 92033. Two ** marking on frame for ID No purchase necessary. SOLD - Factory Chrome Walther PPK - Rare. This translates to reduced ease of firing and decreased accuracy, and generally the troops didnt like the change. The first models of Enfield revolver were the .422-calibre Mark I (c.1880) and the .476-calibre Mark II (c.1882). Ebook's Content. Just a ball park would work, I have seen some Enfield for $600 and some for $2500. These specific letter prefixes were assigned to ROF Fazakerley and BSA Shirley, the only two manufacturers of the No5 rifle, this ensured that there would be no duplicate serials during the production run of No5s. Estimated Value *Using 80% condition for . The only part of my collection that I haven't traded for Brit stuff is my 1st gen. Colt SAA's and Schofield/ #3 American's. Unsurprisingly I get a much poorer result firing off hand, grouping to the right. [7] Click on the line above. There are now 25 states with so-called Constitutional carry and Florida appears to be approaching permitless carry, which translates to more citizens Had Dick Casull listened to the experts of the time the .454 Casull would never have arrived. The Corps of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Museum of Technology: Pistol Revolver .476 inch Enfield Model 1882,, Victorian-era weapons of the United Kingdom, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Well, they usually dont get things right. This material was extracted from official papers. The right side has 1931 under the crown and a 32 on top of barrel. OOO! That's a 260-grain bullet at 650 fps! The Enfield No.2 Mk I was designed for use with the Cartridge S.A. Ball Revolver .380 inch Mk. Below are some approximate production dates that will help you date your Webley Air Pistol. The Enfield No. No3 Mk1 numbers 50800 - 88683. Contest void where prohibited by law. | Est. Weight: 9lbs. The wood grips show handling wear but no cracks or chips. The muzzle end of the rib ends in an integral ramp into which various heights of sight blades can be affixed for zeroing elevation. Unfired and as clean and bright as the day it was born in the Fazakerley Royal Ordnance Factory in Liverpool . For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Here is a simple shadow board depicting the 4 most common Enfields. Winners must respond within 30 days of receiving notification or an alternate winner will be selected. Deployed military should use stateside address. Remember, geographical location affects values, as well. #2. (II) Limit one entry per household. Best to get an appraisal though, and like all things, firearms values fluctuate, more so here in Canada lately. About 55,000 MkIs were made, and an unknown number were converted to MkI* during factory repair, as required by the change order that created the MkI*. The most common of these were: XP was used for the Shortened and Lightened Australian Lithgow (No6 Jungle Carbine) rifles, A was used for No1 MkVI trail rifles, BS was used on the British No7 small bore rifles, and T1 for the No5 small bore rifles. Eligible for FREE shipping * 1 Axle Retaining Pin . Left side of trigger: No idea Pix 7. Enfield 303 10Rd Gun Magazine . 2 revolvers to meet the military's wartime demands, and as a result Webley's Mk IV was issued as a substitute standard for the British Army. The Enfield Mk I/Mk II had a hinged frame, and when the barrel was unlatched, the cylinder would move forward, operating the extraction system and allowing the spent cartridges to simply fall out. Bore is very good. [8] Complaints began arising as early as 1887, influenced in part by the British switching to Webleys,[9] and by 1896, hinge wear and barrel loosening were a real issue. Bottom of barrel has England GSAD MANH.BCH.CA. Best guess is it was re-worked when taken in by the police force but of unknown country.
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